Seeking assistance may seem straightforward for some, but for many, it can be quite difficult due to feelings of pride and embarrassment.
Bridgetta Armistead’s journey serves as a powerful example of the transformation that can occur when one finds the courage to ask for help.
In 2022, Armistead was in a difficult place. She only had a few family members in Cleveland and was struggling emotionally. Armistead was looking for ways to improve her situation.
"Before Step Forward, I was in a really dark space,” she admitted. “My children are grown. My house is empty, I was in a bad, sick relationship, I just didn't have a lot of hope."
Armistead remembered how Step Forward had helped her in the past. She decided to reach out to see what services were available to help her again.
"I still remembered the number,” she recalled. “The voice at the other end of the line took the time to listen and then gave suggestions, like counseling and going back to school."
Guided by Step Forward Family Development Specialists and Adult Education Instructors, Armistead started on a journey of self-improvement and skill-building. She enrolled in programs like Customer Care (now Global Support Services).
"Staff took the extra steps. They made sure I had bus tickets to get back and forth to school. I received a computer. I can't thank them enough,” she shared.
Armistead also sought support from Step Forward's counseling services to tackle her personal challenges, such as establishing boundaries and navigating complex relationships.
"My counselor, Ana, had me working on boundaries,” she said. “I learned and it has helped me in a lot of other relationships."
After her tumultuous relationship ended, Armistead faced difficulties paying her utility bills, rent expenses, and other essential needs. The staff at Step Forward guided her through securing assistance and offered support every step of the way.
"They walked me through that, they helped me with utilities, rental assistance, and clothing. I’ve just had a phenomenal experience with Step Forward,” she said.
Armistead encouraged others to seek help.
“If you truly want help, and if you truly want to change your life, Step Forward is that hand. They'll take the time to listen and share steps to make accomplishments,” she insisted. “Step Forward has been part of the solution for me. I'm stronger, I'm better, I have goals, and I have purpose in life today."
If you are interested in counseling, the Global Support Services training class, or other personal and professional development opportunities, click here. Services are free of charge for income-eligible Cuyahoga County residents.