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Step Forward  Financial Dashboard

Transparency Dashboard



Annual Reports

Annual Report Library

Step Forward is committed to transparency and accessibility. In an effort to make our annual reports more accessible to the public, we digitized them in 2022. You can now view and download annual reports dating back to 2020.



Financial Info Download Library

Step Forward is proud of the dedication of financial resources to our community. You can choose to view and/or download both annual reports and 12 month rolling reports here.

Annual Financial Reports

2020 Financial Statement

2019 Form 990

2019 Financial Statement

2018 Financial Statement

2017 Financial Statement

2016 Financial Statement

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Celebrating Success:
Step Forward's 2020-2023 Strategic Accomplishments

In 2020, with a commitment to excellence and a mission to empower individuals and families through education and economic self-sufficiency, Step Forward launched a strategic plan to guide the agency over the next three years. This plan has served as a blueprint for our journey toward achieving excellence. It outlines the objectives and strategies designed to enhance our programs and services, support our staff, and positively impact Cuyahoga County. By following this plan, we have made intentional and purposeful decisions that align with Step Forward's vision of transforming lives. 


Click to download an overview of our 2020-2023 strategic accomplishments document for a detailed look at our progress and achievements.

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