In service to a joint venture between Step Forward and CHN Housing Partners, this request for proposals (RFP) is requesting call center service proposals from providers who have extensive experience managing a high volume of client phone inquiries, escalating calls, and providing status updates for applications in process. Any organization fitting our description is invited to submit a proposal. Maximum contract amount is $700,000.
Our organization requests bids to manage a call center serving Cuyahoga County residents for the following:
Responding to residents seeking information on the HEAP and PIPP programs
Checking application status for applicants in process
Scheduling a limited number of appointments reserved for call center callers meeting specific criteria
Escalating specific calls to agency staff via a ticketing/messaging system
The call center must operate, at minimum, with the following features:
Calls for disconnection and reconnection must receive the highest priority handling.
All calls must be answered by a live, trained attendant.
Our agencies must have access to a real-time data dashboard of calls in queue, number of attendants, and attendant status.
The ticketing/messaging system must be customizable.
Call center staff must be continually supervised and monitored for service quality and information accuracy.
A same-day call back option in lieu of holding is highly preferred.
Reporting will include, at minimum, de-identified, aggregate weekly reports in electronic format using Microsoft Excel; number of phone calls received, including the average number of calls each week; average amount of time callers wait in call queues before an agent responds; percentage of abandoned calls; average speed to answer; and average call time including hold time.
Call center staff must participate in training and technical assistance activities as directed. Training topics shall include, but are not limited to program information, processes and procedures for receiving and responding to calls, proper referrals, receiving, collecting and ensuring secure use and protection of personal identifiable information and any confidential information, personal financial information, and information contained within client application systems.
The selected provider agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions listed in this solicitation, including any attachments.
Specifications for the RFP may be viewed and downloaded below:
To express interest, submit questions concerning the RFP, or to be placed on the question response thread for this RFP, please contact George Phillips Olivier at on or before April 25, 2024. No questions will be considered after April 25, 2024. Questions asked must be submitted in writing by email and questions with answers will be shared with all respondents as emails with undisclosed recipients.
Address your proposal as follows:
Call Center RFP
Attn: George Phillips Olivier, Vice President of Operations
1801 Superior Avenue, Suite 400
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
The deadline for submission is noon on May 10, 2024. Proposals submitted after that time will not be considered and will be returned or destroyed. All proposal submissions will be responded to once a decision has been made.